Tampa Man Found Not Guilty by Jury in Deadly Dog Park Shooting
A little over a year ago, two men got into an altercation at a Tampa dog park. One man was shot and left dead. The other man was recently granted his freedom after a Tampa jury found him not guilty for his role in shooting and killing the other. What led the jury to acquit…
Read MoreJudge Says Dog Parking Shooting Doesn’t Qualify for “Stand Your Ground” Dismissal
Two men were alone in a dog park, and one ended up dead. A judge recently decided a jury will need to determine whether or not one man was justified in taking the other man’s life. What happened, and will there be any consequences? One Side of the Story Gerald Declan Radford, 66, and John…
Read MoreOulson Family Foundation Hosts 3rd Annual Golf Tournament
The 3rd Annual Oulson Family Foundation Golf Tournament was held on November 22, 2023. Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the event at the Cheval Golf & Country Club. It was a fun day of golf supporting an amazing cause!
Read MoreParents of School Shooters Are Now Facing Consequences for Their Child’s Actions
Since the Columbine school shooting in 1999, there have been more than 400 shootings in schools across America. One thing has recently changed about the outcomes of these terrible incidents. Parents are now facing serious consequences for the actions of their children. Recently, there was a second case of a parent being charged with a…
Read MoreOulson Family Foundation Hosts 2nd Happy Hour Event
We would love to thank everyone who showed up for our very second happy hour event! The event held in in St. Augustine was a very fun and successful day!
Read MoreOulson Family Foundation Hosts 2nd Annual Golf Tournament
The 2nd Annual Oulson Family Foundation Golf Tournament was held on September 25, 2023. Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the event. The event was not only fun, but it was a GREAT SUCCESS!
Read MoreFamily and Friends Launch Oulson Family Foundation to Honor Chad Oulson
To honor the life and legacy of Chad Oulson, a group of his family and friends launched the Oulson Family Foundation to offer support to children impacted by gun violence. About The Oulson Family On January 13, 2014, Chad Oulson was killed in a senseless act of gun violence. While on a mid-day movie date…
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