Family and Friends Launch Oulson Family Foundation to Honor Chad Oulson
To honor the life and legacy of Chad Oulson, a group of his family and friends launched the Oulson Family Foundation to offer support to children impacted by gun violence.
About The Oulson Family
On January 13, 2014, Chad Oulson was killed in a senseless act of gun violence. While on a mid-day movie date with his wife Nicole Oulson, Chad Oulson was involved in a confrontation with a man sitting in the row behind him. The confrontation ended with Chad Oulson being shot and killed.
Before the movie had even started, Nicole Oulson lost her husband and the father of her 22-month-old daughter, Alexis.
“In the blink of an eye, our lives were shattered beyond belief. I lost my husband, the love of my life, my rock, my everything. Our family lost a son, brother, uncle, and friend,” said Nicole Oulson.
Chad Oulson’s family sought justice through the legal system. For eight long years, the case dragged through the court system. Then on February 25, 2022, the family received more devastating news. A jury of six found the shooter not guilty of the murder of Chad Oulson.
“After eight long years of maneuvering through the judicial system, another unbelievable blow was delivered with a not guilty verdict. Again, my family was devastated,” said Nicole Oulson.
But, the family was not going to let the ruling stand between them and honoring the life and legacy of Chad Oulson.
In May 2022, Chad’s friends and family created the Oulson Family Foundation.
About The Oulson Family Foundation
The Oulson Family Foundation is a non-profit with a mission to provide financial support to children impacted by gun violence.
Nicole Oulson knows what families go through in the wake of gun violence, and she wanted to do something to offer support to families going through tragedies of their own.

Nicole, Chad and Alexis Oulson
“As a single mother of a young daughter, I know firsthand the financial, physical, and emotional toll that comes from gun violence. The pain is unimaginable, and the loss is something you can never plan for,” said Nicole Oulson. “After receiving an abundance of encouragement and support from people worldwide, I knew I needed to do my part.”
“The Oulson Family Foundation will strive to help other families that have children directly or indirectly impacted by gun violence.”
The Oulson Family Foundation will provide funds to help kids get what they need in the wake of being directly or indirectly impacted by gun violence.
Caretakers of children affected by gun violence can receive funds to provide financial assistance for medical bills, counseling, and education. The goal is to help families and children get what they need to heal and create a brighter future.
“They say it takes a village to raise our children. We are reaching out a hand to others to offer hope, support, and comfort during these unimaginable times,” says Nicole Oulson.
How to Get Involved with the Oulson Family Foundation
If you would like to support the Oulson Family Foundation and help offer assistance to children impacted by gun violence, you can help too.
Please visit oulsonfamilyfoundation.com to learn more about the foundation’s mission and to make a donation. Your participation will offer kids a chance to heal and grow through financial assistance for medical bills, counseling, and education. Learn more and donate today.
If you or someone you know has a family impacted by gun violence, please visit the website to learn more about how you can apply for aid through the Oulson Family Foundation.
Gone But Not Forgotten #28